Well, my HIDA scan came back normal today. That means my gallbladder is okay, functioning as it should and nothing is wrong with it. My liver is still all messed up and that's the next steps to take - since we know the gallbladder is okay, we can focus on trying to fix the liver. I have to make a follow up appointment with Dr. Oh (yep, that's his name) and move forward with whatever it takes to get rid of the "fatty" liver issue. I know losing 30 pounds is in the future but I think I need to get to a nutritionist (who isn't my husband) to help me focus. Yes, Eric knows all that stuff but I need to see someone outside the four walls of my house (I really have more than four walls but you know what I mean). So, until the next appointment, that's all I've got. Good news as far as gallbladders go....but still not defined answers. I'm staying positive and that's all I can do.
Eric is doing well Uncle Jim. Yep, he's still personal training....going on 11 years in the business. Funny, you would think as a personal trainer, he'd have a "smokin hot" wife but unfortunately, it's not reality. :) Hopefully that'll change with this 30 pounds I have to lose.
Ethan is doing awesome! We have decided to not start him in kindergarten this year - he is not quite ready yet. So, today was his first "Transition" day from preschool to PreK! :) Woo hoo! He did awesome with the transitition for day 1. He will start full time in PreK on the 15th! Unfortunately Uncle Jim, he isn't in to baseball or softball....he likes it but would rather kick a ball around....soccer! We wish for football but he loves soccer. I'm trying to find out if there is a team around our community for him to join - he would love it!
That's about it from here! I have 7 weeks of school left and I'm done! I cannot wait!!
Bye for now!