Saturday, May 19, 2007


Wow! I just finished ordering my graduation announcements for college! OMG! Reality is really starting to sink in a little. Four years ago, I made this crazy decision to go back to college for my associates in General Studies (which I received in May of 2005)....but then had another crazy continue after receiving my associates to get my bachelors. And here I am, almost four years later, preparing for my college graduation!

I ordered my cap and gown about a week ago, but it didn't hit me until I saw the template for the announcement with my name and degree listed. :) I'm super excited!

This ceremony will be a bit odd though....I have been completing college via the online program all four years so I "know" a ton of students through emial communication, but they are scattered all over the world and will likely not be walking in the same ceremony as I. So, when I walk in this ceremony, I will know no one and no one will know me. But the exciting thing is we are all there for the same reason and therefore, we will be supportive regardless of not knowing each other.

The announcements will be mailed out as soon as I receive them! I just realized yesterday that graduation is only 47 or so days away! Geez....time is flying!

So, I am sitting here wondering.....will I be crazy again and continue for my Masters?? I'm thinking I want to so the payments on my student loans don't kick in next year....but I absolutely need a this story may continue....but not until next year!