Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Your Gall Bladder

Does anyone really know what our gall bladders are for without looking it up online? Neither did I until it became an issue...a painful issue that comes and goes as it pleases. Ever since I was pregnant with Ethan, I've had these spells that come every so often. My back left shoulder blade will have this unbelievable pain, almost like heartburn but in your back. Nothing specific triggers it, but when I was pregnant and was explaining it to my OB, he said, "Well, that is a common symptom of gall bladder issues but it's normally in your right shoulder blade. But everyone's different - you should have it checked out AFTER the baby is born!" Well, those of us that have had babies know that you have NO time after baby is born to do crap! So, I never had it checked. The spells have started again (well they have been for some time)....and I had one so bad a couple weeks ago, that I finally decided to see a doctor. He is referring me to get an ultrasound after he proceeded to push up under my ribs where your gall bladder is and saw me almost jump off the table at the doctors office. I asked him if they found anything what they would do and he explained the different types of surgeries depending on the severity. Lovely. I'll keep you updated.....

So, back to my original question, does anyone know what your gall bladder does?

The gallbladder's main purpose is to concentrate and store your bile. Bile is a fluid made in the liver that helps you to digest fats in your small bowel (intestine). It is made from cholesterol, water, bilirubin and bile salts. Bilirubin is what gives bile its greenish colour. It comes from the breakdown of used red blood cells. When you eat fatty foods, the fats are broken down (digested) in your stomach and intestines. Your gallbladder is not an essential part of your body. You can live without it. So after having it taken out, you are still able to digest your food.

Well, to that last sentence I say "Thank God"!! I will still be able to eat if I have to have it taken out. :)


Sarah said...

Oh man, that really sucks. I have had kidney stones before. They suck too, alot. Hopefully they won't have to do surgery, but if they do, I guess you'll get a vacation from work! :)

Mac said...

Yeah, that stinks. I hope whatever they do, it's soon so you won't have to deal with it anymore.
Take Care.

Susie Q said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susie Q said...

Wow, spelled my comment so badly I had to delete it...
Now it's just dumb.
Anywho, hope you don't have to get sliced.
Yeah, it really was soooo much better the first time, dam.

Emily said...

Oh I am so sorry... my friend Angela just recently had hers taken out - she said it was worth it because the pain was so bad before. She does have to be careful with eating too much fatty foods - she can land herself in the bathroom for a while if she isn't careful... Let me know - I am so sorry though! :) Oh and yes - the recovery time is something like 10 days or something like that.

Nicole said...

Thanks for letting me know Emily....I got the call from the imaging place today to make the appointment...will keep everyone updated....thanks for the positive thoughts!