Saturday, January 5, 2008

Chargers Vs. Titans

Well, tomorrow is my big day! My team made it to the playoffs and our first game is tomorrow at 4:30pm. Still trying to figure out if that's Eastern or Pacific....anyhoo, I have a lot of confidence that my team will kick Tennessee's booty tomorrow and make it to the next round of the playoffs. I keep thinking, "Wouldn't it be awesome if my team made it all the way to the Super Bowl that just happens to be held here in Arizona?!" Then I freaked.....realizing how much the tickets would be to go to the Super Bowl here. Maybe if I rent out my house I could afford to go. But then I'd have to sleep in my car. Oh I can't win!

This post was supposed to be about the Chargers anyhow! GO TEAM GO! :)

I'll post the results tomorrow!

Oh, did anyone watch the Steelers game? How sad did they play!!! That didn't seem like a playoff team to me.

Good night! Root for the Chargers please!!!


Mac said...

Out here in the Northwest we have the Seahawks. Heard of them?
Yeah, they are the team that just kicked the crap out of the Redskins.
For me? I would love to see the Hawks go all the way. The Chargers would be good too. Heck,I just look forward to any team that can put the stinking Patriots to rest.
Too cocky. Good team but just too cocky.
Good luck.

Susie Q said...

Chargers? Interesting.
Living here in good ol' Oregon, we have to be Seahawks fans, problem is, I don't care that much. I love college football and am a complete freak about the OSU Beavers, but I am fickle about pro-football.
But, if you are a Chargers fan then I am a Chargers fan too. I just like me some football.
Now baseball is different thing entirely. Go Angels!

Nicole said...

YEAH HOO!! The Chargers kicked booty tonight!! Scared me at first....then we wrapped them up in the second half! On to visit the Colts....we won them once, we'll win them again!!! :)

Yeah, heard of the Seahawks Uncle Jim but do NOT care for them at all. We will put the Patriots to rest....(optimistic right now :)

Aunt Sue - I love football too but lean more for pro than college. Not sure why....

Love you both!!

Nicole said...

Oh, I don't like baseball. I know, I are thinking "How could she be a part of our family if she doesn't like baseball?". :) I will watch once in a while but it's not my choice of sports. :)

Mac said...

Go Cowboys!

Heh heh heh.

Just kidding.

Nicole said...

YUCK - THE COWBOYS???!!!!???? LOL.

Mac said...

I'm hoping that the Cowboys and the Patriots get reamed this weekend.